Anyone walking past The Swan gates over Halloween may be forgiven for wondering what has been going on, what with the wacky costumes, eerie music, blood strewn sheets flapping in the wind and ghostly apparitions floating about. Do not fear, The Swan has not become a portal to the underworld - yet. It was GR6, who have been letting their imaginations run wild in organising the first annual GR6 “Halloween Spooktacular!” This event was the brainchild of the students who transformed the Swan’s Coach House into a terrifying Haunted Hovel, where dememted teachers (has anyone seen his buttons?) and spooktastic students scared the living daylights out of the lower school kids who were taken through the dark alleys of doom one by one. For the faint of heart, there was pumpkin carving and an array of homemade baked treats plus an appearance from our very own Candy Ghost! The event was a huge success and is the first of many pub courtyard spectaculars planned, as GR6 make the most of their unusual but brilliant home at The Swan.