A big thank you to Piers Roberts for coming to The Green Room INSET to share his unique perspective on Neurodiversity. It was invaluable to hear about the barriers that ND individuals face in today's society and our current systems of employment. It was also inspirational to hear the personal story of finding, not just a coping strategy, but a platform to excel.
In a world where the neurodivergent population are finding their ‘Authentic Voice’ and giving a non-linear perspective on creativity, innovation, design and many other areas, it is vital that we, as educationalists, learn to appreciate, empathise and inspire our young people to see their diversity as an ability, not a disability. Through his company www.riskit.com, Piers helps organisations to innovate and navigate change. Change is one of our key values and as such, we hope to keep up with Piers and his brilliant work in the future.