How we talk about the things we've done


I persevere when things become challenging
I am able to bounce back
I display optimism when things get tough
I ask for help when needed
I give my opinion and listen to others
I understand the importance of positive body language with others
I make decisions with confidence
I contribute to problem solving
I bring ideas to the table
I know what my tasks are and I prioritise them
I manage my workload
I plan my work schedule realistically
I actively engage with others in the community
I understand that not everyone in the community shares the same views
I am an ambassador for myself and the school, so I behave like one
I am confident leading or being led within a team
I feel empowered by my team-mates
I can delegate roles and responsibilities
In distilling the aims of the ROCCIT programme into student-centred reflection around a set of short and simple statements, we aim for learners to become familiar and confident using vocabulary and sentence structures crucial to self appraisal and promotion. The aim is for learners taking job or college interviews will have lots to say about themselves, and how they have embodied the ROCCIT values