Welcome to GRW
What is GRW?
GRW is The Green Room School Windsor for boys/girls aged 13-16 years. We are based on a small site nestled in the Victorian streets, a short walk from the town centre, near to Windsor Great Park, The Windsor Leisure Centre, our allotment and The Swan CIC Community Centre in Clewer, where we holds some lessons. GRW is an outstanding independent school that seeks to offer a dynamic approach to our curriculum, keeping pace with the changing needs of our world and igniting a passion and curiosity in our learners. (See Curriculum Page) In equal measure we aim to offer a consistent, calm and caring approach to the emotional well-being of our staff and pupils. We promote a culture of growth mindset, creating an environment for positive change and aspiration. The ultimate aim is to develop pupils who have the qualifications, character and resilience to go on and lead a brilliant life.
Who is it for?
The Green Room School caters for pupils with Education Health Care Plans, which we use as a springboard to explore the right techniques, qualifications and therapy for that pupil. This is completely individual and we are open to explore whatever option best suits them, whether this be for specific learning difficulties or emotional and behavioural support. If we cannot meet these needs within The Green Room School , we actively seek out the professional help required to meet their needs. We work alongside the family, professionals and agencies that may be associated with the pupils. If a pupil is currently in a situation that is not working, getting worse and out of options, and they want to change that, then the Green Room School can help.