The Green Room Foundation is a charity, established in January 2012, by Joe Sparks. Joe's original vision was to help young people develop their potential, and this has developed into schools for young people with Special Educational Needs, which have all been judged "Outstanding" in all areas by OFSTED. We are now able to offer an opportunity to change, be kind and be curious to over 70 young people in 3 different locations from a wide area surrounding our schools. We have an amazing team of staff who dedicate their passion, ingenuity and energy to helping all our pupils start a path towards their goals in life. Our youngest pupils are 11 years old and they can remain with us until they are 25, supported by an Education Health Care Plan. In almost every case we are able to help our young people to gain qualifications with us and then move onto college, training, apprenticeships or employment. We are proud to remain connected with our alumni and see their achievements at college, university, and the world of work and their lives as a whole.