Clare Vincent, our Commercial Director, has taken on a mountainous challenge to raise money for The Green Room, here’s what she has to say about the event:
Every family should have a challenge, and this is ours…
We all presume kids just go to school and get on with it…. but what if they have been bullied, abused, suffer anxiety or depression? Then it’s not so easy to cross those school gates.
Everyday Arts (The Green Room) is an alternative provision for young people who can no longer access mainstream education, and aims to reignite in them a passion for education, a passion for life and a passion to succeed.
To support the fantastic people at Everyday Arts, we are climbing 4 peaks starting in Wales (Snowdon) on the 19th July, followed by England (Scafell Pike), Scotland (Ben Nevis) and Northern Ireland (Slieve Donard).
We thank Tri-4-Life (an organisation based on Merseyside, led by Liam Hanlon) for inviting us to take part in their amazing challenge, and we look forward to seeing the documentary filmed by renowned filmmakers The Ettinger Brothers!
If you would like to donate to this worthwhile cause please go to: www.justgiving.com/ClareVincentTri-4-Life