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Roald Dahl Day


Every week we have a theme for our Discovery Friday, and as it was Roald Dahl’s birthday on Saturday, we decided to name him as our Hero Of The Week and the inspiration for Friday’s activities. We put up some information about him on the notice board in the diner so that pupils could read about him beforehand, discuss his work and life and gain some general background information.

We split the pupils into 3 groups, one in the art room creating Quentin Blake style illustrations, one in the drama studio developing Roald Dahl characters and one in a classroom writing poetry in the style of revolting rhymes.

At lunch time we made ‘Deej’s marvellous medicine’, juicing various fruit and veg to make revolting looking but healthy and nutritious smoothies which actually tasted pretty good!

Everyone had a great day and what a great excuse to read back over some of the books of the most well-loved story-teller of all time.

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