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A great evening was had by all at the Everyday Arts Christmas Market

Meeting Santa.JPG

We would like to thank everyone who came to support us at our Christmas Market last friday, after all the preparation and hard work, the market was a great success and we had a fab evening. The kids loved Santa, the Gingerbread Men and all the games and the parents loved the shopping, mulled wine and food! The raffle raised over £200, thanks to all the generous local businesses who kindly donated prizes, such as Bird Hills Golf Course, French Brothers, David Lloyd, Hasbro Toys and Zen Wellbeing Spa, not forgetting all the stall holders who also donated one of their products on the evening, they included:

Dublicious Food, Pots of Patience, The Body Shop, The Phil Percival Cheese Company, Hendrika’s Hand Painted Crafts, Anderson Trading Company, Phoenix Cards and Forever Living

For those of you who missed it, don’t worry, it was such a good evening, we will do it again next year! Click here to see the photos

@EverydayArtsUK is a #youthcharity that inspires kids to discover their brilliance through a unique learning programme of theatre, dance, film and #alternativeeducation. @DerrenBrown is our patron. We pride ourselves in our #GreenRoomProject, which is set up for #SchoolRefusers and children with #statements of special educational needs #SENs.

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